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[Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 27/08/2009, 16:44
by bure
This is the topic where your releases and buyouts have to be announced
(or requested, in case of retiring/signing overseas players).


Jason Demers ($ 2.1) at 1.4M for 1 year
Zach Boychuk ($ 2.5) at 1.6M for 1 year
=> cap shrinkage = 3M for the 2012/2013 season
(saves 1.6M)

Scott Parse ($ 1.2) at 0.8M for 1 year
Ryan Potulny ($ 0.8) at 0.5M for 1 year
=> cap shrinkage = 1.3M for the 2012/2013 season
(saves 0.7M)

Matt Gilroy ($ 2.2) at 1.4M for 1 year
Mike Lundin ($ 0.5) at 0.3M for 1 year
=> cap shrinkage = 1.7M for the 2012/2013 season
(saves 1M)

Henrik Karlsson ($ 1.1) at 0.7M for 1 year
=> cap shrinkage = 0.7M for the 2012/2013 season
(saves 0.4M)

Matt Stajan ($ 4.6) at 2.8M for 1 year
=> cap shrinkage = 2.8M for the 2012/2013 season
(saves 1.8M)

Specifics on 2012/2013 SIGNED OVERSEAS

Per i giocatori che sono andati/vanno in europa in questa off-season è necessario distinguere tra due casi:
quelli che ci vanno solo x via del lockout e che poi torneranno indietro quando la NHL riparte, e quelli che invece vanno x restarci.
Solo per questi ultimi è corretto permettere l'opzione 'signed overseas'.
Un criterio efficace per distinguerli è basarsi sul fatto che fossero o meno NHL free agents in questa off-season.
Esempio: Andrei Kostitsyn era RFA e ha firmato x tutto l'anno col Chelyabinsk, quindi ovviamente deve poter essere settato come 'overseas' da Claude Giroux.
Esempio contrario: Ehrhoff se ne è andato in Germania, ma non era NHL FA, x cui il suo contratto europeo prevede automaticamente una out-clause che lo termina nel momento in cui finisce il lockout. Anzer non può approfittarne x metterlo come 'signed overseas'.

Traducendo in regola e con maggiori specifiche:

If, when signing overseas during the 2012 off-season, the player was a NHL free agent (or was released by his NHL team), then he can be set as "signed-overseas/retired" on the league site. If his contract overseas is instead a lockout contract (gets terminated as soon as the NHL resumes) he is not eligible to have his Stanleit contract terminated.
If the NHL free agent signs in Europe after the NHL season starts, he won't be eligible for overseas status, just like previous seasons.
Also, if the NHL free agent is offered his stanleit contract after he signed overseas, he is not eligible to be set as 'signed overseas'.

Players erroneously set as signed-overseas will have that status removed as soon as possible should that become evident.

Here is a list of most players still signed to lockout contracts:

players appearing on any of those lists can not be set as signed/overseas
(sfortunatamente nessuna delle 2 liste è completa.. però messe insieme forse coprono tutti i giocatori)

Lastly, to cover the unlikely case of players under contract in the NHL that refuse/fail to come back from Europe straight away, their GM will have the chance to set them as IR as long as they stay in Europe.
They may also set them as OFS, but in that case they won't be able to reactivate the player till the end of the 2012/2013 season (playoffs included).


As mentioned in the rulebook, there are two different kinds of release:

- Release of players still in the NHL
Releasing a NHL player you'll be able to take him off your roster total number of players (<50), but you will still have to pay his contract till its expiration.
"If a player goes through waivers untouched, his salary will still count against the cap whether he gets demoted to the farm team or released (even in the case later he gets signed as a FA by another team).
A player released before his contract is expired can not be signed as a FA by the same team (he will have to have played for another team before that will be possible again)."

To release a NHL player you need to place him on waivers and then (once he cleared) announce in this topic that he gets released instead of assigned to the farm.
You can only place players on waivers from the start of the FA session in September through June.

If you don't want to pay the full money left on a player's contract for the next seasons, you can buyout his contract. See below for options.

- Release during the off-season of a player retired or signed overseas (available from May through october 4th)
By releasing before October 5th a player that belongs to this category, you'll be able to take him off your roster total number of players under contract (<50) AND off your cap total.
To release a retired/signed overseas player, you need to ask for permission in this thread...
"..reporting reliable link(s) that prove your claim to exercise the annulment right is legit. As soon as that's done (and approved), you can get his contract off your overall salary using the apposite tool "set retired" on the league site*; so if you release such player before (or during) the september free agency session, his corresponding cap room will become available for your biddings."
PLEASE NOTE that if you request and get the retired/signed-overseas status but you fail to set that player as retired/overseas on the league site within september, you'll be forced to pay him for the full season.

*Once you set the player as retired he gets instantly off your roster numbers (cap and total number of players under contract) even if he still appears in your roster. If the news of his departure/retirement will turn out to be false before october 4th, his salary will be added back to your cap. Otherwise he'll be released and become a free agent on october 5th.

-- BUYOUT --
To complete a buyout, you just need to announce it in this topic (the buyout tool is not available on the new site yet).
The player will be scratched from your roster and the correspondent cap hit (for the current and following seasons) applied to your team in the database.

- Regular season buyout
"To buy out a contract, you must not only pay out the existing contract for the current season; you also have to pay an additional 50% as well (1.5 times the existing contract) for the rest of the year.
Example: if Mike Modano is signed at $4M/3yrs, you would have to pay $6 to buy out Modano's contract during one of his first two seasons with your team.
Following the buy-out, the player will be off your roster (FA) and you'll regain his correspondent roster spot.
However, the following season his salary will still count against the cap:
for the 60% of its value if the following season was the 2nd year of a 3 years contract
for the 40% of its value if the following season was supposed to be the last year of his contract.
Our buyout deadline will be on the same day of the NHL's trade deadline.
After that, regular season buyouts will be back available next September and will count as occurred in the following season (-> the reduced wages will apply only after the end of that season)."

- Off-season buyout
Teams can complete buyouts during the off-season as well, albeit under different terms.
These are the terms decided for this season (available from now till october 7th 18.00 cet):
1yr left: 2/3 of the salary to be paid
2yrs left: 2/3 of the salary to be paid in both years
3yrs left (applies only to 4yrs long entry draft contracts): 2/3 of the salary to be paid for the first 2 yrs, 1/3 to be paid for the last yr (the 4th) of the contract.
3yrs left (applies to 3yrs long contracts signed in the same off-season): 2/3 of the salary to be paid for all the 3 yrs of the contract.

The resulting numbers get rounded down to the closer decimal.

DENVERStefan Ruzicka at 0.3M for <del>2 years</del>
Jan Hejda at 0.6M for <del>2 years</del>
<del>Torrey Mitchell at 1M for 1 yea</del>r
Karl Alzner at 1.5M for <del>2 years</del>
<del>Samuel Pahlsson at 1.2M for 1 year
Wade Redden at 0.8M for 1 year
J. Chechoo at 0.5M for 1 year
Tanner Glass at 0.3M for 1 year</del>
total to pay in 2010/2011 season: <b>6.2M</b></del>
total to pay in 2011/2012 season: <b>2.4M</b>

HALIFAXJohn Mitchell at 0.6M for 1 year
total to pay in 2011/2012 season: <b>0.6M</b>

CALIFORNIAAndrew Ebbett at 2M for 1 yr
Kyle Quincey at 2.6M for 1 yr
Jonathan Ericsson at 2.5M for 1yr
total to pay in 2011/2012 season: <b>7.1M</b>

Re: [Stanleit]Players' release (or buyout)

Posted: 27/08/2009, 17:26
by Vicram
Viktor Kozlov firma per la KHL

Sul nuovo sito lo segno "retired"

P.S. per segnarlo "retired" bisogna andare sulla scheda dettaglio del giocatore. Il suo salario viene automaticamente tolto dal salary cap totale di squadra e lascierà la squadra con l'inizio del campionato.

Re: [Stanleit]Players' release (or buyout)

Posted: 27/08/2009, 17:57
by bure
Vicram wrote: Viktor Kozlov firma per la KHL

Sul nuovo sito lo segno "retired"

P.S. per segnarlo "retired" bisogna andare sulla scheda dettaglio del giocatore. Il suo salario viene automaticamente tolto dal salary cap totale di squadra e lascierà la squadra con l'inizio del campionato.
cavolo, non c'è qualcosa di + recente di maggio e soprattutto di + ufficiale di "The Washington Capitals could be losing another player to the Kontinental Hockey League.":gogogo:

Re: [Stanleit]Players' release (or buyout)

Posted: 28/08/2009, 9:10
by Vicram
Ha firmato a maggio...le news sono di maggio. :gazza: ... s_with_KHL

Roster del Salavat KHL:

Re: [Stanleit]Players' release (or buyout)

Posted: 28/08/2009, 10:01
by bure
Vicram wrote: Roster del Salavat KHL:
Viktor Kozlov assigned to the retired/signed-overseas category.

Re: [Stanleit]Players' release (or buyout)

Posted: 05/09/2009, 9:26
by Biron 43
Mi sono rotto le balle di aspettare la checca...

Hudler ha firmato con la Dinamo Mosca ... -red_wings

Non è più presente nel roster dei Red Wings, invece c'è in quello della Dinamo

Re: [Stanleit]Players' release (or buyout)

Posted: 05/09/2009, 11:42
by bure
Biron 43 wrote: Mi sono rotto le balle di aspettare la checca...

Hudler ha firmato con la Dinamo Mosca ... -red_wings

Non è più presente nel roster dei Red Wings, invece c'è in quello della Dinamo
Hudler can now be placed into the retired/signed-overseas category.

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 09/09/2009, 20:35
by Biron 43
Per completare il tutto... ... d=rss-News

...anche se credo che il resto è più che sufficiente

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 20/09/2009, 10:32
by The Anzer
Aspettando le decisioni di Sundin, cominciamo con Anton "Babbo di Minchia" Babchuk:

Frugate nel link sotto, c'è anche la traduzione dal russo...

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 20/09/2009, 12:16
by The Anzer
Chiedo solamente di levarmelo in fretta dal roster...visto che quei soldi adesso mi servono e devo trovare altre soluzioni.


Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 20/09/2009, 12:27
by kachlex
The Anzer wrote: Chiedo solamente di levarmelo in fretta dal roster...visto che quei soldi adesso mi servono e devo trovare altre soluzioni.

se lo setti retired dal sito i suoi soldi dovrebbero venire scalati dal cap automaticamente. e alla fine della FA il giocatore sara' tagliato.

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 20/09/2009, 13:13
by The Anzer
kachlex wrote: se lo setti retired dal sito i suoi soldi dovrebbero venire scalati dal cap automaticamente. e alla fine della FA il giocatore sara' tagliato.

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 30/09/2009, 15:25
by The Anzer
The Los Angeles Kings announce that Mats officially retired from hockey - link -

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 30/09/2009, 15:30
by Vicram
The Anzer wrote: The Los Angeles Kings announce that Mats officially retired from hockey - link -
Ti è andata di culo. Hai poche ore di tempo (dopo che i mod ti danno l'ok) per settarlo retired sul sito.
Ricordo che dalla mezzanotte parte ufficialmente la stagione e i ritirati pesano sul salary cap. :gazza:

Re: [Stanleit]Players release (or buyout)

Posted: 30/09/2009, 15:38
by The Anzer
Vicram wrote: Ti è andata di culo.
E credi che non lo sapessi???
Vicram wrote:Hai poche ore di tempo (dopo che i mod ti danno l'ok) per settarlo retired sul sito.
Già settato. Dubito ci siano problemi.
Vicram wrote:Ricordo che dalla mezzanotte parte ufficialmente la stagione e i ritirati pesano sul salary cap. :gazza:
In che senso?