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Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 09/07/2010, 17:58
by Hank Luisetti
NBA & Records:

Pro Basketball's Greatest Rebounding Guards

-Bob Cousy è stata la prima guardia a riuscirci, con un career-high di  6.9 rpg da rookie dei Boston Celtics nel 1950-51, e mantenendo almeno 6 rimbalzi di media in 4 delle successive 5 stagioni. In quel periodo i Celtics erano na delle migliori macchine da canestro dela lega,ma la loro mancanza di difesa non gli ortava mai lontani ai PO.
Non sorprende che le stagioni di Bob da almeno 6 rpg finirono con l'arrivo di Bill Russell!! Cousy non riuscì mai a mantenere una media superiore ai 5.5 rpg nelle stagioni dopo l'arrivo di Russell, ma Boston vinse l'anello in 6 delle 7 stagioni in cui i due furono compagni. Cousy finì la carriera con 4786 rebounds (5.2 rpg), impressionanti per una guardia di appena  6-1 piedi e 175 pound!!

- Tom Gola aveva giocato in guardia al College, dove tutt'ora è un NCAA Division I career leader per rimbalzi totali (2201). Nella NBA la versatilità di Gola lo fecero spedire nel backcourt andando a mantenere una media di almeno 6 rpg in 8 stagioni (1956; 1958-64). Nella stagione 1958-59 averaged un career-high  di 11.1 rpg e divenne la prima guardia a finire nella top ten NBA nei rimbalzi!! I 6-6 piedi di Gola giocarono in 5 All-Star games e fu membro del 1956 NBA Champion Philadelphia Warriors. Finì la carriera con una media totale di 8.0 rpg, ovviamente la più alta per una guardia!

- Richie Guerin averaged 6 o pià rpg per 5 stagioni consecutive (1958-62),partendo dalla sua seconda stagione. Nella stagione 1960-61 registrò un career high di 7.9 rpg. La stagione successiva il 6-4 piedi Guerin averaged il suo career bests in punti (29.5 ppg) e assists (6.9 apg) e la sua ultima stagione da almeno 6 rimbalzi (6.4 rpg). Finì la carriera con 5.0 rpg.

- Oscar Robertson: nella stagione 1961-62 divenne l'unico giocatore a totalizzare una tripla doppia di media (30.8 ppg, 12.5 rpg and 11.4 apg). Arrivando 1° nella Lega in assists, 3° in punti ed 8° in rimbalzi. I suoi 12.5 rpg di quella stagione sono facilmente la migliore media rimbalzi per una Guardia. Robertson tenne una tripla doppia di media pe le prime sue 5 stagioni (30.3 ppg, 10.6 apg and 10.4 rpg). Mantenne almeno 6 rimbalzi di media in ciascuna delle sue 10 stagioni (1961-70) con i Cincinnati Royals prima di finire la sua carriera con i Milwaukee Bucks, ed andando a vincere il suo unico titolo. I 7804 Robertson sono ovviamente iln° più alto di rb catturati da una guardia dopo Kidd, e la sua media di 7.5 rpg in carriera si posiziona dietro solo a Gola.

- Jerry West entrò nella lega con Robertson nella stagione 1960-61 mantenne una media di almeno 6 rpg in ciascuna delle sue prime 6 stagioni nella lega. Come Robertson, postò la sua miglioe stagione in rb nel 1961-62 (7.9 rpg) e si confrontò anche con i 30.8 ppg di Robertson quella stagione (West giocò 4 partite in meno di Oscar ed arrivò 5° in punti quell'anno: classifica ancora determinata in base ai Totals). I 6-2 piedi e 185 pound di West più piccolo di Gola, Guerin eRobertson concluse comunque la sua carriera con 5376 rebounds (5.8 rpg).

- Jerry Sloan mantenne una media di almeno 6 rimbalzi a partita per ben 9 stagioni consecutiva dopo il suo anno da rookie guadagnandosi la reputazione come una delle più forti guardie difensive di sempre. I suoi 7.4 rpg career average si piazzano giusto 3° dopo Gola e Robertson. Sloan (6-5, 200 pounds) ebbe la sua media stagione più alta di 9.1 rpg nel 1966-67 e mantenne una media di almeno 8 rpg in altre due stagioni.

- Walt Frazier averaged 4.2 rpg nel 1967-68 come rookie dei New York Knicks prima di collezionare 8 stagioni consecutive con almeno 6 rimbalzi nei successivi anni con un picco di 7.3 rpg nel 1973 championship season. Frazier mantenne una media di 5.9 in carriera.

- Magic Johnson mantenne una tripla doppia di media nella stagione 1981-82, il suo terzo anno nella lega; con 18.6 ppg, arrivando 2° nella lega in assist con 9.5 apg e facendo il suo career high di 9.6 rpg. Nei suoi 12 anni di carriera mantenne almeno 6 rpg per ben 10 volte; nella stagione 1980-81 mantenne una media di 8.6 rpg in 37 partite e nella stagione 1985-86 ebbe una media di 5.9 rpg.Nel suo breve comeback Magic mantenne una media di 5.7 in 32 della stagione 1995-96; finendo la carriera con 6559 rebounds, il terzo più alto totale per una guardia, e finendo 4° come media, 7.2 rpg.

- Clyde Drexler ha mantenuto una media di almeno 6 rb in stagione per ben 11 volte in 15 anni di carriera. Fallendo la qualificazione il suo anno da rookie (2.9 rpg in 1983-84), il suo terzo anno (5.6 rpg) ed il suo ultimo anno (4.9 rpg); nella stagione 1992-93 tenne una media di 6.3 rpg ma giocando in soli 49 games per via di infortunio.La media migliore tenuta da Drexler è di 7.9 rpg (1988-89) ed avendo solo un'altra stagione da almeno 7 rb. Drexler ha totalizzato 6687 rebounds (6.1 rpg) in carriera.

- Michael Jordan entrato un anno dopo Drexler e postando simili numeri in carriera 6175 rebounds (6.2 rpg). Jordan ha mantenuto una media da almeno 6 rb in 7 stagioni con una cima di 8.0 rpg nella stagione 1988-89, stagione dove postò il suo record in media per gli assist con 8.0 assists e vinse il suo terzo titolo marcatori a 32.5 ppg.

-Jason Kidd ha mantenuto una media di almeno 6 rb in 6 delle sue prime 8 stagioni, con un career high di 8.2rpg nella stagione 2006-07 ed un record di ben 13 volte! In carriera mantiene una media di 6.6 rpg ed un totale di 7853 rimbalzi primo nella lita fra le guardie!!

- Altri: la migliore guardi in questo fondamentale nell'ABA fu sicuramente Warren Jabali: mantenne una media di almeno 6rbg a stagione 3 volte con un record di 10.4 rpg nel 1969-70 per i Washington Capitols, stagione che concluse anche con 22.8 ppg e 4.3 apg. In Carriera Jabali averaged 6.7 rpg in 7 anni!!

Lafayette "Fat" Lever dei Denver Nuggets averaged 6-plus rpg per 4 stagioni consecutive (1987-90) nonostante fosse solo 6-3, 180 pounds, e prendendo incredibilmente almeno 8.0 rpg, record personale, in ciascuno di questa stagioni!! incluso un career-high di 9.3 rpg nel 1989-90 (conditi di 18.3 ppg e 6.5 apg ). La stagione successiva, ai Dallas Mavericks, ebbe un grave incidente al ginocchio dopo solo 4 partite; non fu più lo stesso. Finì la carriera con 6.0 rpg.

Tra gli altri: Michael Ray Richardson, T.R. Dunn, Darrell Walker e Alvin Robertson. George Gervin ci è riuscito due volte: una da SF ed una da G. Steve Francis, Tracy McGrady , KB ed altri..

Pro Basketball's Greatest Rebounding Guards

Player 6 rpg Best season Career Career Career

Clyde Drexler 11 7.9 rpg/1989 6687 1086 6.1
Magic Johnson 10 9.6 rpg/1982 6559 906 7.2
Oscar Robertson 10 12.5 rpg/1962 7804 1040 7.5
Jerry Sloan 9 9.1 rpg/1967 5615 755 7.4
Tom Gola 8 11.1 rpg/1959 5617 698 8.0
Walt Frazier 8 7.3 rpg/1973 4830 825 5.9
Michael Jordan 7 8.0 rpg/1989 6175 990 6.2
Jerry West 6 7.9 rpg/1962 5376 932 5.8
Bob Cousy 5 6.9 rpg/1951 4786 924 5.2
Richie Guerin 5 7.9 rpg/1961 4278 848 5.0

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 14/07/2010, 10:20
by rodmanalbe82 ... re=related

aneddoti di storia forumistica NBA, meglio del trio Wade Bosh LBJ


Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 14/07/2010, 20:56
by Hank Luisetti
NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

SurPASSed: These Playmakers Narrowly Missed Winning the Assists Crown

I titoli di Marcatore e di Rimbalzista hanno il loro fato letteralmente nelle proprie mani, ma per il playmakers non è tutta farina del proprio sacco..possono arrivare fino ad un certo punto, il resto lo devono fare i compagni a cui destinano il passaggio fortunato. 2 NBA assists championships sono stati decisi per un solo assist!

La prima di queste incredibili corse avvenne nella stagione 1947-48 nella Basketball Association of America (BAA), fondatrice della NBA ( le ultime tre stagioni della BAA dal 1946-47 al1948-49, sono considerate le prime tre stagioni della NBA). Howie Dallmar dei Philadelphia Warriors prevalse su Ernie Calverley di Providence Steamrollers per 120-119 in a 48-game season. Nella stagione 1965-66 Oscar Robertson dei  Cincinnati Royals la spuntò invece su di Guy Rodgers dei San Francisco Warriors per 847-846!    NB:Entrambe le corse somno avvenute nel periodo in cui la NBA conteggiava le statistiche per Totals, ovvero fino alla stagione1969-70.

- Guy Rodgers finì secondo nella scalssifaca degli assist a Robertson per ben 5 volte, e fu anche battuto da  Cousy. Nella stagione 1960-61 Robertson vince di appena 13 assist su Rodgers! Rodgers riesce comunque a vincere ben 2 assist title, il secondo nella stagione 1966-67 quando fece un record di lega con ben 908 assists con i Chicago Bulls. Rodgers si piazzò o primo o secondo nella classifica degli assist dalla stagione 1959-60 alla stagione 1966-67 ritirandosi con ben  6917 assists! Il career high di assist in una singola partita di Rodgers è di ben 28 assists il 14 Marzo del 1963 record condiviso con Cousy, che è resistito fino al 1978.

- Andy Phillip è arrivato secondo per ben 4 volte, per ultime nel 1952-53 e 1953-54, quando Cousy reclamò i suoi primi due titoli di assit leader! Phillip vinse i suoi due titoli di assist leader nelle due stagioni precedenti. Prima di queste era arrivato secondo a Bob Davies dei Rochester Royals di soli due assist nel 1948-49; e a Dick McGuire dei New York Knicks di soli 9 assist nel 1949-50.

- McGuire, come Philip, è arrivato secondo nella cora al titolo di miglior assistman ben 4 volte inclusa la stagione 1957-58 quando Cousy lo beffò per soli 9 assist.Perse altre due corone degli assist per un margine di appena 14 e 15 assist (1950-51 e 1954-55 rispettivamente).

- Lenny Wilkens, vinse il suo unico titolo come re degli assist nel 1969-70; ma una volta ritirato solamente Robertson aveva spedito più assist in carriera. Wilkens è arrivato secondo per ben 5 volte e la sconfitta con il minor margine fu quella della stagione 1967-68 quando fu battuto..da Wilt Chamberlain dei Philadelphia 76ers per soli 23 assist 23. Nella stagione 1971-72 invece piazza la seconda sconfitta AT per minor margine da quando gli assist sono conteggiati per pg: .12630 apg meno rispetto a Jerry West dei Los Angeles Lakers. Wilkens finì dietro ad un giocatore diverso in ciascuna delle sue 5 volte che arrivò secondo; è finito dietro all'unico centro ad aver mai vinto un titolo di assist-leader;  ed al solo giocatore ad aver condotto la lega in punti ed assist nello stesso anno: Nate Archibald nella stagione 1972-73 con 34.0 ppg e 11.4.

- Nate Archibald oltre al titolo del 1973 è arrivato per ben due volte secondo: una volta superato da Donald "Slick" Watts dei Seattle Supersonics di appena  .17636 apg nel 1975-76.
Nella stagione successiva Kevin Porter dei Washington Bullets vinse di appena .30317 apg su Dave Bing dei Detroit Pistons.

- Magic Johnson si ritirò come l'all-time assists leader vincendo ben 4 corone degli assist ed arrivando secondo per ben 6 volte!..incluso un record di ben 4 volte consecutive dal 1987-88 al 1990-91, ogni volta superato da John Stockton. Nella stagione 1981-82 Johnson perse contro  Johnny Moore deiSan Antonio Spurs per appena .11993 apg, il più piccolo margine di vittoria da quando gli assist sono misurati per average.

Altri:  Maurice Cheeks con bel  7392 assists è nella top10 all-time per assist totals ma il suo migliore piazzamento è come terzo posto nella stagioen 1981-82.

- Isiah Thomas nei primi 5 della lega come assist totals ed averange, vinse solamente un assist title nel 1985-86 con ben 13.9 apg terzo miglior averangfe della storia. Thomas è arrivato secondo nel 1983-84 e 1985-86.

- John Stockton è arrivato secondo solo due volte a fronte di ben 9 titoli dal 1987-88 al 1995-96, compreso un record di 14.5 apg nel 1989-90.

- Chuck Williams è l'unico giocatore ABA ad arrivare secondo per più di una volta...come giocatore dei San Diego Conquistadors nel 1972-73 perse la corsa al titolo di assist vinta con il minor margine della storia ABA (e la sesta nella storia del pro basketball) di appena .41418 apg contro Bill Melchionni, che vinse ben due (2) titoli assist in ABA. Nel 1974-75 Mack Calvin dei Denver Nuggets sconfisse Williams per soli .59159 apg.

NB: (1)Molte fonti inclusa la 1974-75 Official ABA Guide pongono Chuck Williams come assist runner-up per la stagione 1973-74, anche se Warren Jabali produsse un più alto averanging ed aveva un numero di assist sufficit per essere conteggiato. Jabali infatti fu etromesso dai Denver Rocketsa metà della stagione 1973-74 dopo problemi con Coach Alex Hannum. Apparentemente l'ABA scelse di non conteggiarlo in quanto non era un giocatore attivo..una strana situazione..unica nella storia del basketball pro. Come riporta Terry Pluto in Loose Balls, Jabali stava giusto conducendo l'ABA in assists quando i Rockets o tagliarono; Al Smith guardia dei Rockets finì quella stagione con  8.1 apg average, .8386 apgmeglio di Jabali e ben 2 punti meglio di Williams.

(2)Altro fatto interessante è la stagione 1972-73: Bill Melchionni ha infatti un numero più altodi apg e dovrebbe avere un numero sufficit per essere conteggiato.. ma in molti siti il titolo iene dato a Williams.. in caso contrario Melchionni avrebbe vinto ben 3 titoli come miglior assistman.

- Larry Brown vinse i primi tre titoli come assist della ABA. Il primo e terzo furono vinti con un ampio margine, ma il secondo lo vinse per soli .64186 apg su Don Freeman dei Miami Floridians.4 delle 9 corse con il minor margine di vittorieper averanging sono avvenute nell'ABA;  nella stagione 1971-72  Melchionni sconfisse Lehmann George dei Memphis Pros per .60778 apg. Don Buse è l'unico giocatore ad aver vinto un titoloo di assist leader sia in ABA che in NBA e lo fece in due stagioni consecutive, in ABA nel 1975-76 ed in NBA nel 1976-77, enrambe come membro degli Indiana Pacers.
NB: Buse condusse le due leghe anche nelle steals negli stessi due anni.

Pro Basketball's Closest Races for the Assists Title

Most NBA/ABA 2nd Place Finishes

Player Total

Guy Rodgers 6
Magic Johnson 6
Lenny Wilkens 5
Andy Phillip 4
Dick McGuire 4

Closest NBA Races, 1951-1969

Player/Season Margin Winner/Total Assists

Ernie Calverley/1948 -1 Howie Dallmar/120
Guy Rodgers/1966 -1 Oscar Robertson/847
Andy Phillip/1949 -2 Bob Davies/321
Andy Phillip/1950 -9 Dick McGuire/386
Dick McGuire/1958 -9 Bob Cousy/463
Guy Rodgers/1961 -13 Oscar Robertson/690
Dick McGuire/1951 -14 Andy Phillip/414
Dick McGuire/1955 -15 Bob Cousy/557
Lenny Wilkens/1968 -23 Wilt Chamberlain/702

Closest APG Races--ABA, 1968-1976; NBA, 1970-2002

Player/Season Margin Winner/APG

Magic Johnson/1982 .11993 APG Johnny Moore/9.64557
Lenny Wilkens/1972 .12630 APG Jerry West/9.70130
Nate Archibald/1976 .17636 APG Donald Watts/8.06098
Norm Nixon/1981 .25160 APG Kevin Porter/9.06173
Dave Bing/1975 .30317 APG Kevin Porter/8.02469
C. Williams/1973 ABA .41418 APG Billy Melchionni/7.42623
C. Williams/1975 ABA .59159 APG Mack Calvin/7.70270
George Lehmann/1972 ABA .60778 APG Billy Melchionni/8.36250
Don Freeman/1969 ABA .64186 APG Larry Brown/7.06494

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 15/07/2010, 22:43
by Hank Luisetti
rodmanalbe82 wrote: ... re=related

aneddoti di storia forumistica NBA, meglio del trio Wade Bosh LBJ

Gran pezzo ragazzi! :notworthy:

Ps: Già dimenticavo...è fallo! :gazza:


EDIT: Mi correggo..più di un fallo! :lol2: ..poveri Jazz..

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 16/07/2010, 11:29
by Hank Luisetti
Bill Russell Block Art Video


Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 17/08/2010, 12:15
by Hank Luisetti
NBA Records:

Solamente 5 giocatori nella storia del gioco hanno messo assieme almeno 20,000 points, 10,000 rebounds e 4,000 assists in carriera: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Wilt Chamberlain, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley e Kevin Garnett.

Ps: Bill Russell, avrebbe i numeri sia in Rebounds che in non in punti.

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 20/10/2011, 10:46
by Hank Luisetti
Wilt Chamberlain Vs Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Regular season – 1969-70

1. Date: Fri 10/24/69
- Chamberlain 25 pts, 25 rebs, 5 as, 3 blocks, 9-14 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 23 pts, 20 rebs, 2 as, 2 blocks, 9-21 FG/FGA L

NB: Wilt si era infortunato il ginocchio nel 11/7/1969.
Ah certamente Kareem (Lew Alcindor al tempo) aveva appena cominciato.

Regular season – 1970-71

2. Date: Fri 11/20/70
- Chamberlain 28 pts, 23 rebs, 3 as, 10 blocks, 7-20 FG/FGA – 6 blocks against Jabbar L
- Abdul-Jabbar 29 pts, 13 rebs, 0 as, 2 blocks, 13-32 FG/FGA W

3. Date: Mon 12/21/70
- Chamberlain 25 pts, 14 rebs, 3 as, 2 blocks, 11-23 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 37 pts, 16 rebs, 0 as, 4 blocks, 17-33 FG/FGA W

4. Date: Fri 02/05/71
- Chamberlain 14 pts, 14 rebs, 3 as, 6 blocks, 7-10 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 27 pts, 10 rebs, 3 as, * blocks, 10-21 FG/FGA L

5. Date: Thu 02/11/71
- Chamberlain 25 pts, 11 rebs, 1 as, * blocks, 10-19 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 31 pts, 21 rebs, 0 as, * blocks, 13-30 FG/FGA – 2 blocks against Wilt W

6. Date: Wed 03/03/71
- Chamberlain 24 pts, 13 rebs, 5 as, 8 blocks, 7-15 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 15 pts, 6 rebs, 2 as, * blocks, 7-21 FG/FGA W

Post season – 1970-71 – WCF playoffs

7. Date: Fri 04/09/71
- Chamberlain 22 pts, 20 rebs, 1 as, 8 blocks, 10-19 FG/FGA – 3 blocks against Jabbar L
- Abdul-Jabbar 32 pts, 22 rebs, 1 as, 1 blocks, 14-30 FG/FGA W

8. Date: Sun 04/11/71
- Chamberlain 26 pts, 22 rebs, 0 as, * blocks, 10-21 FG/FGA - Wilt blocked numerious shots L
- Abdul-Jabbar 22 pts, 10 rebs, 4 as, * blocks, 9-19 FG/FGA W

9. Date: Wed 04/14/71
- Chamberlain 24 pts, 24 rebs, 3 as, 3 blocks, 9-19 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 20 pts, 19 rebs, 6 as, 0 blocks, 8-16 FG/FGA L

10.Date: Fri 04/16/71
- Chamberlain 15 pts, 16 rebs, 2 as, * blocks, 7-14 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 31 pts, 20 rebs, 5 as, * blocks, 14-20 FG/FGA W

11.Date: Fri 04/16/71
- Chamberlain 23 pts, 12 rebs, 4 as, 6 blocks, 10-21 FG/FGA – 5 blocks against Jabbar L
- Abdul-Jabbar 20 pts, 15 rebs, 5 as, 3 blocks, 7-23 FG/FGA W

Regular season – 1971-72

12.Date: Sat 11/21/71
- Chamberlain 11 pts, 26 rebs, 6 as, * blocks, 4-9 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 39 pts, 17 rebs, 6 as, * blocks, 17-33 FG/FGA L

13.Date: Sun 01/09/72
- Chamberlain 15 pts, 12 rebs, 2 as, 6 blocks, 7-11 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 39 pts, 20 rebs, 5 as, 9 blocks, 18-34 FG/FGA W

14.Date: Fri 02/04/72
- Chamberlain 18 pts, 25 rebs, 3 as, * blocks, 8-14 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 40 pts, 18 rebs, 4 as, * blocks, 16-33 FG/FGA L

15.Date: Wed 03/01/72
- Chamberlain 8 pts, 17 rebs, 5 as, * blocks, 3-5 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 33 pts, 12 rebs, 8 as, * blocks, 13-33 FG/FGA L

16.Date: Fri 03/17/72
- Chamberlain 18 pts, 25 rebs, 5 as, * blocks, 7-15 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 50 pts, 8 rebs, 2 as, * blocks, 22-39 FG/FGA L

Post season – 1971-72 – WCF playoffs

17.Date: Sun 04/09/72
- Chamberlain 10 pts, 24 rebs, 0 as, * blocks, 3-12 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 33 pts, 18 rebs, 2 as, * blocks, 14-26 FG/FGA W

18.Date: Wed 04/12/72
- Chamberlain 11 pts, 17 rebs, 4 as, * blocks, 3-5 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 40 pts, 7 rebs, 7 as, * blocks, 18-31 FG/FGA L

19.Date: Fri 04/14/72
- Chamberlain 7 pts, 14 rebs, 4 as, 10 blocks, 1-3 FG/FGA – 6 blocks against Jabbar W
- Abdul-Jabbar 33 pts, 21 rebs, 6 as, * blocks, 15-37 FG/FGA L

20.Date: Sun 04/16/72
- Chamberlain 5 pts, 11 rebs, 4 as, 3 blocks, 2-7 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 31 pts, 18 rebs, 3 as, 7 blocks, 14-33 FG/FGA W

21.Date: Tue 04/18/72
- Chamberlain 12 pts, 26 rebs, 6 as, * blocks, 2-3 FG/FGA - 4 blocks against Jabbar W
- Abdul-Jabbar 28 pts, 16 rebs, 3 as, * blocks, 13-33 FG/FGA L

22.Date: Sat 04/22/72
- Chamberlain 20 pts, 24 rebs, 2 as, 9 blocks, 8-12 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 37 pts, 25 rebs, 8 as, * blocks, 16-37 FG/FGA L

Regular season – 1972-73

23.Date: Tue 11/14/72
- Chamberlain 16 pts, 15 rebs, 1 as, * blocks, 8-12 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 37 pts, 16 rebs, 6 as, 7 blocks, 17-32 FG/FGA L

24.Date: Tue 12/05/72
- Chamberlain 9 pts, 15 rebs, 7 as, * blocks, 4-4 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 29 pts, 17 rebs, 6 as, * blocks, 11-30 FG/FGA L

25.Date: Sun 01/07/73
- Chamberlain 9 pts, 18 rebs, 2 as, * blocks, 3-5 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 37 pts, 12 rebs, 7 as, * blocks, 17-36 FG/FGA W

26.Date: Fri 02/09/73
- Chamberlain 8 pts, 14 rebs, 4 as, * blocks, 3-3 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 29 pts, 24 rebs, 2 as, * blocks, 14-24 FG/FGA W

27.Date: Sun 02/25/73
- Chamberlain 24 pts, 20 rebs, 4 as, * blocks, 10-14 FG/FGA W
- Abdul-Jabbar 21 pts, 21 rebs, 6 as, * blocks, 10-27 FG/FGA L

28.Date: Tue 03/27/73
- Chamberlain 0 pts, 14 rebs, 4 as, * blocks, 0-0 FG/FGA L
- Abdul-Jabbar 24 pts, 17 rebs, 1 as, * blocks, 12-31 FG/FGA W

W = team wоn
L = team lost

* Blocked stats sono riportati dagli articoli di giornale dell'epoca, NBA cominciò a conteggiarli ufficialmente dalla stagione 1973/74.

Altro: Wilt Vs Thurmond

1967 NBA Finals (6 games):
Wilt Chamberlain - 17.7 ppg, 28.5 rpg, 6.8 apg 56 % FG
Nate Thurmond - 14.2 ppg, 26.6 rpg, 3.3 apg 34,3 % FG

1969 NBA WC playoffs (6 games)
Wilt Chamberlain - 12.0 ppg, 23.5 rpg, 3.0 apg 50 % FG
Nate Thurmond - 16.7 ppg, 19.5 rpg, 4.7 apg 39,2 % FG

1973 NBA WC playoffs (5 games)
Wilt Chamberlain - 8.0 ppg, 23.6 rpg, 4.0 apg 55 % FG
Nate Thurmond - 15.8 ppg, 17.2pg, 4.2 apg 39,8 % FG

NB: Wilt Dominance

... Vs Reed..


Chamberlain 48 8-14 1-10 24 5 2 17
Reed 45 16-30 5-7 16 5 2 37

Chamberlain 44 9-20 1-3 24 2 3 19
Reed 45 12-29 5-10 15 5 3 29

Chamberlain 53 7-10 7-13 26 4 4 21
Reed 49 17-30 4-8 17 3 2 38

Chamberlain 49 7-13 4-7 25 7 3 18
Reed 52 10-23 3-6 12 2 4 23

Matchup stats Wilt vs Reed in 1973 finals


Chamberlain 48 5-11 2-4 20 6 3 12
Reed 25 4-9 2-2 4 2 5 10

Chamberlain 48 2-4 1-9 20 0 3 5
Reed 29 5-13 1-2 9 1 3 11

Chamberlain 48 2-3 1-4 13 5 4 5
Reed 33 10-21 2-2 10 3 5 22

Chamberlain 48 4-8 5-7 19 5 3 13
Reed 32 9-16 3-3 11 0 4 21

Chamberlain 48 9-16 5-14 21 3 3 23
Reed 31 9-16 0-0 12 7 5 18

- Wilt ha collezionato partite da 41, 52, 36, 58 e 46 punti contro Reed durante la prima metà della stagione 1964-65 scon i Warriors. I massimo di Reed invece si ferma a 38 points, nella seconda metà di stagione invece colleziona 23, e 25 punti due volte .
Dopo il trasferimento ai Sixers colleziona partite da 30, 29, 37 (with 32 rebounds), 34 and 37 (with 28 rebounds) contro Reed. Da quello che ho potuto constatare Reed outscored Chamberlain (35 to 29) una volta e outrebounded sempre una volta (19 to 18) in 9 incontri.

.. Vs Wes Unseld...

Unseld giocò tutte e 82 le partite nelle stagioni 68-69 e 69-70. Wilt registrò un massimo di 38 punti contro i Bullets nella stagione 69-70, e registrò ben 38 rebound contro Unseld nella stagione 68-69 season, e diverse partite da almeno 20 pt.

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 20/10/2011, 17:17
by Hank Luisetti
"Mr. Game 7"

Bill Russell 18.6 pts 29.3 rbs 10W-0L

19pts 32rbs W 1957 Finals Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Boston won 125-123 (2OT)

18pts 32rbs W 1959 EDF Game 7 vs Syracuse: Boston won 130-125

22pts 35rbs W 1960 Finals Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Boston won 122-103

19pts 22rbs W 1962 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 109-107

30pts 40rbs W 1962 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Boston won 110-107 (OT)

20pts 24rbs W 1963 EDF Game 7 vs Cincinnati: Boston won 142-131

15pts 29rbs W 1965 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 110-109

25pts 32rbs W 1966 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Boston won 95-93

12pts 26rbs W 1968 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 100-96

6pts 21rbs W 1969 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Boston won title 108-106

Wilt Chamberlain 25.8 pts 25.3 rbs 4W-5L

22pts 21rbs L 1962 EDF Game 7 vs Celtics:*Wilt 22 pts(7-14) 21 rebs, Phila 107-109perde di 2 punti (negli ultimi due secondi finali,
Sam James segna a clutch shot. Wilt era marcato stretto dall'intera Celtics frontline)

39pts 26rbs W 1964 WDF Game 7 vs. St Louis Hawks:*Wilt scored 39 pts 26 rebs 12 blocks, Warriors won 105-95

30pts 32rbs L 1965 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Havlicek stole the ball, Celtics won 110-109; Wilt scored*30 pts 32 rebs in a 1 point loss

14pts 34rbs L 1968 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 100-96, Wilt snatched 34 rebounds segna solo 14 points (on 4-of-9 shooting) e tirò solo due volte nella seconda metà della partita. Hal Greer (8-of-25) Matt Guokas (2-of-10), Wally Jones (8-of-22) Chet Walker (8-of-22) e Luke Jackson (7-of-17) per un 33-of-96totale (34 percent) e 20-of-36 dalla linea della carità. I 76ers riescono a perdere la serie nonostante un vantaggio di 3-1 sulla seie.

18pts 27rbs L 1969 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Wilt 18pts 27rbs, Lakers lost 106-108 (Head coach BVK si rifiutò di rimettere Wilt in
campo nei minuti finali)

30pts 27rbs W 1970 WDS Game 7 vs Phoenix Suns: Wilt 30pts 27 rebounds 11 blocks, Baylor 25pts, Jerry West 19pts, Lakers won
129-94,i Lakers rimontarono e vinsero la serie dopo esser stati sotto per 1-3 nella serie

21pts 24rbs L 1970 Finals Game 7 vs Knicks: Wilt 21pts(10-16) 24rbs 4 ast, Jerry West 28pts(9-19) 6rbs 5ast, Baylor 19pts(9-17) 6rbs
6ast, Lakers lost 99-113

25pts 18rbs W 1971 WCS Game 7 vs Chicago Bulls: Wilt 15pts 19rbs, Jerry West and Baylor didn't play due to injury, Lakers won 109-98

21pts 28rbs W 1973 WCS Game 7 vs Chicago Bulls: Wilt 21pts 28rbs, Jerry West 27pts, Bulls trailed 92-91 in the last half-minute, and Bulls had the ball, then Chamberlain blocked a shot by Norm Van Lier, threw a full-court pass to Gail goodrich, who scored, and the Lakers had the lead for the first time in the second half. Jerry West added two foul shots with two seconds to go, Lakers won 95-92

Sam Jones 27.1 pts 9W-0L (Sam Jones averaged only 17.7pts in regular)

W 1959 EDF Game 7 vs Syracuse: Boston won 130-125, Sam Jones scored 13pts

W 1960 Finals Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Boston won title 122-103, Sam scored 18pts

W 1962 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 109-107, Sam finished with 28pts with a diciding final 2 seconds clutch shot

W 1962 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Boston won 110-107 (OT), Same finished with 27pts

W 1963 EDF Game 7 vs Cincinnati: Boston won 142-131, Sam Jones scored the highest 47pts in the NBA Game 7 history

W 1965 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 110-109, Sam scored 37pts led Celtics to victory

W 1966 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Boston won title 95-93, Sam finished 22pts

W 1968 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Boston won 100-96, Sam Jones scored 28pts in this game 7, and he averaged 21.3pts which's the best on the team
in regular

W 1969 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Boston won title 108-106, Sam Jones scored 24pts(10-16) 7rbs 2ast before fouled out

John Havlicek 16.2 pts 6W-2L

W 1963 EDF Game 7 vs Cincinnati: rookie Havlicek as bench player who just back to the game from ankle injury scored 8pts, Sam Jones scored
47pts, Celtics won 142-131

W 1965 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: Havlicek stole the ball, Celtics won 110-109; Sam Jones scores 37 points and Havlicek comes off the bench to get

W 1966 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Havlicek 16pts(6-21) 16rbs, Sam Jones 22pts(10-21)

W 1968 EDF Game 7 vs Phila: famous Wilt took one shot scored 2pts in the second half, Sam Jones led scoring 22pts, Havlicek 21pts, 100-96

W 1969 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Havlicek led Celtics' scoring by 26pts(11-19) 9rbs 5ast, Sam Jones 24pts(10-16) 7rbs, Celtics won 108-106

L 1973 ECF Game 7 vs Knicks: Havlicek hit on only one of six field goal attempts and was 2 for 3 from the foul line for four points, Havlicek averaged 29 points in this series preorr to the injury. Havlicek barely able to raise his right arm because of a possible shoulder separation suffered in the third gmae of the series and managed only four points, Cowens 24pts, White 22pts Celtics loss78-94

W 1974 Finals Game 7 vs Bucks: Havlicek 16pts(6-20) 9rbs 6ast 3stl, Cowens 28pts, Celtics won title, Havlicek won FMVP averaged 26.4pts 7.7rbs

L 1977 ECS Game 7 vs Phila: Havlicek 13pts and was held scoreless in the fourth quarter, JoJo White 17pts and scoreless in the 2nd half(White
scored 40pts in game 6), Free KO celtics with 27pts, Celtics lost 77-83

Jerry West 30.8 pts 5W-5L

L 1961 WDF Game 7 v.s. St Louis Hawks: Baylor 39 pts, West 29 pts, Lakers lost by 2pts 105-103

L 1962 Finals Game 7 v.s. Celtics: Jerry West 35 pts, Lakers lost 107-110 in OT

W 1963 WDF Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Baylor 35 pts, Jerry West 27 pts, Lakers won 115-110

W 1966 WDF Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Baylor 33 pts, Jerry West 35 pts, Lakers won 130-121

L 1966 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: Baylor 18 pts, Jerry West 36 pts, Lakers lost 93-95

L 1969 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: Wilt 18pts(7-8) 27rbs 3ast, Jerry West 42pts(14-29) 13rbs 12ast, Baylor 20pts(8-22) 15rbs 7ast, Lakers lost

W 1970 WDS Game 7 vs Phoenix Suns: Wilt 30pts, Baylor 25pts, Jerry West 19pts, Lakers won 129-94

L 1970 Finals Game 7 vs Knicks: Wilt 21pts(10-16) 24rbs 4 ast, Jerry West 28pts(9-19) 6rbs 5ast, Baylor 19pts(9-17) 6rbs 6ast, Lakers lost

W 1971 WCS Game 7 vs Chicago Bulls: Wilt 15pts 19rbs, Jerry West and Baylor didn't play due to injury, Lakers won 109-98

W 1973 WCS Game 7 vs Chicago Bulls: Wilt 21pts 28rbs, Jerry West 27pts, Bulls trailed 92-91 in the last half-minute, and Bulls had the ball, then Chamberlain blocked a shot by Norm Van Lier, threw a full-court pass to Gail goodrich, who scored, and the Lakers had the lead for the first time in the second half. Jerry West added two foul shots with two seconds to go, Lakers won 95-92

Capt. Elgin Baylor 29.2 pts 4W-6L

L 1960 WDF Game 7 vs. St Louis Hawks: Baylor scored 33 pts while Petit got 28pts, Lakers lost 86-97

L 1961 WDF Game 7 v.s. St Louis Hawks: Baylor 39 pts, West 29 pts, Lakers lost by 2pts 105-103

L 1962 Finals Game 7 v.s. Celtics: Baylor fouled out with 2 minutes left in the OT after scoring 41 pts, Lakers lost 107-110 in OT

W 1963 WDF Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Baylor 35 pts, Jerry West 27 pts, Lakers won 115-110

W 1966 WDF Game 7 vs St Louis Hawks: Baylor 33 pts, Jerry West 35 pts, Lakers won 130-121

L 1966 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: Baylor 18 pts, Jerry West 36 pts, Lakers lost 93-95

L 1969 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: Wilt 18pts(7-8) 27rbs 3ast, Jerry West 42pts(14-29) 13rbs 12ast, Baylor 20pts(8-22) 15rbs 7ast, Lakers lost

W 1970 WDS Game 7 vs Phoenix Suns: Wilt 30pts, Baylor 25pts, Jerry West 19pts, Lakers won 129-94

L 1970 Finals Game 7 vs Knicks: Wilt 21pts(10-16) 24rbs 4 ast, Jerry West 28pts(9-19) 6rbs 5ast, Baylor 19pts(9-17) 6rbs 6ast, Lakers
lost 99-113

W 1971 WCS Game 7 vs Chicago Bulls: Wilt 15pts 19rbs, Jerry West and Baylor didn't play due to injury, Lakers won 109-98

Larry Bird 27 pts 6W-2L

W 1981 ECF Game 7 vs Phila: Bird 23pts, Maxwell 19pts, Parish 16pts, Archibald 13pts, McHale 1pts; Bird, the 1980 rookie of the year, then came back with a 15-foot bank shot from the left side for a 91-89 lead with 1:03 to play. celtics won 91-90, Celtics became only the fourth team in the NBA history to capture a best-of-seven playoff series after falling behind 3-1. The others were the 1968 Celtics, 1970 Lakers and 1979 Bullets --all of whom also did it in the semifinal round.

L 1982 ECF Game 7 vs Phila: Bird 20pts, McHale 19pts, Parish 23pts, rookie Ainge 17pts, Celtics failed to come back from 1-3 lost 106-120

W 1984 ECS Game 7 vs Knicks: Bird scored a career-playoff-high of 39pts 12rbs 10ast, Celtics won 121-104

W 1984 Finals Game 7 vs Lakers: Bird 20pts(6-18) 12 rbs, He was on the bench when the Celtics made their biggest spurt of the game, late in the third period, but Larry Bird was the FMVP averaged 27.4pts 14rbs and led his team with total of 15 steals

W 1987 ECS Game 7 vs Bucks: Bird 31pts 10rbs, McHale 26pts 15rbs, Parish 23pts 19rbs, Bird had 13pts in the fourth quarter and sank six free throws down the stretch and Boston got the last eight points of the game on foul shots as the Celtics came from behind to beat the Bucks 119-113

W 1987 ECF Game 7 vs Pistons: Bird 37pts(13-24) 9rbs 9ast, Isiah 25pts, in previous Game 5: with 5 seconds remaining and the Celtics down by a point, Bird stole Isiah Thomas's inbounds pass and fed the ball to Johnson, who won the game 117-114 on a layup with a second left. Isiah 25pts

W 1988 ECS Game 7 vs Hawks: Bird 34pts, Dominique had 47pts, Bird shot 14pts in the first three quarters and then scored 20pts in the fourth quarter, Celtics won 118-116

L 1992 ECS Game 7 vs Cavaliers: Bird 12pts 5rbs 4ast, Celtics lost 104-122

Magic Johnson 20.5 pts 14 ast 3W-1L

L 1984 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: Magic managed 16pts(5-14) 5rbs 15ast 7tov, Lakers lost 102-111

W 1988 WCS Game 7 vs Jazz: Magic was the heart and soul, 23pts 16ast, of Lakers' victory 109-98

W 1988 WCF Game 7 vs Mavericks: Magic scored 24pts 11ast 9rbs, Worthy 28pts, Lakers won 117-102

W 1988 Finals Game 7 vs Pistons: Worthy 36pts 16rbs 10ast, Magic 19pts(6-9) 14ast 5rbs, Lakers won title 108-105

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 20.5 pts 10.6 rbs 4W-2L

L 1974 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: KAJ 236pts 14rbs, KAJ was shut out for nearly 18 minutes in the middle of the game while the Celtics built an insurmountable lead. Cowens scored 28pts 14rbs helped Celtics' 12th title, the 25yr old Big O played 48 minutes got doubled and was held by Don Chaney to have only two baskets in 13 shots, Bucks lost 87-102

W 1977 WCS Game 7 vs Warriors: KAJ scored 36pts 28rbs

L 1984 Finals Game 7 vs Pistons: Jabbar scored game high 29pts(12-22) 6rbs 4ast 2blk, Parish 14pts(4-16) 16rbs 2ast 1blk, Lakers lost in the Finals 102-111

W 1988 WCS Game 7 vs Jazz: KAJ had 11pts(4-10) 4blk, Stockton 29pts 20ast 5stl, Karl Malone 31pts 14rbs, Worthy 23pts 4stl(scored only 4pts in G6), Byron Scott led Lakers with 29pts, but Magic 23pts 16ast 9rbs was the heart and soul of Lakers' victory 109-98

W 1988 WCF Game 7 vs Mavericks: Magic scored 24pts(8pts in 2nd half) 11ast 9rbs, Worthy 28pts, KAJ added 17pts, Lakers won 117-102, Mark Aguirre led Mavericks with 24pts

W 1988 Finals Game 7 vs Pistons: KAJ played 29min only scored 4pts(2-7) 3rbs, Worthy 36pts 16rbs 10ast is the man to Lakers victory, Magic 19pts(6-9) 14ast 5rbs, Lakers won title 108-105, Isiah 10pts(4-12)

Michael Jordan 33.6 pts 7.6 rbs 2W-1L

L 1990 ECF Game 7 vs. Pistons:*31pts 8rbs 9ast, Bulls lost 74-93

W 1992 ECS Game 7 vs Knicks: Jordan finishes with 42pts (15-29), 6rbds, 4 asts. the Chicago Bulls defeated in the New York Knicks, 110-81

W 1998 ECF Game 7 vs Pacers:*Jordan finished 28pts 9rbs 8ast, Bulls won 88-83

Kobe Bryant 23.2 pts 9.4 rbs 4W-1L

W 2000 WCF Game 7 vs Blazers: Kobe led scoring rbs ast and blk by 25pts(9-19) 11rbs 7ast 4blk, Shaq 18pts(5-9) 9rbs 1blk

W 2002 WCF Game 7 vs Kings: Kobe 30pts(10-26) 10rbs 7ast, Shaq 35pts(12-25) 13rbs 4blk, Kobe was held scoreless in the OT, Shaq led Lakers won 112-106

L 2006 1st Rnd Game 7 vs Suns: Kobe 24pts(8-16) 4rbs 1ast 1blk, Lakers lost 90-121 (this is Kobe's peak season in regular averaged 35.4pts 5.3rbs 4.5 ast 1.8stl)

W 2009 WCS Game 7 vs Houston: Kobe 14pts(4-12) 7rbs 5ast, Gasol 21pts(10-19) 18rbs

W 2010 Finals Game 7 vs Celtics: Kobe 23pts(6-24) 15rbs, Gasol 19pts(6-16) 18rbs, Artest 20pts(7-18) 5rbs 5stl, Lakers won title 83-79

Shaquille O'neal 26.25pts, 10.5rbs, 3W-L

W 1995 ECF Game 7 vs Pacers: Orlando won big 105-81, Shaq 25pts 11rbs 2blk

W 2000 WCF Game 7 vs Blazers: Kobe led scoring rbs ast and blk by 25pts(9-19) 11rbs 7ast 4blk, Shaq 18pts(5-9) 9rbs 1blk

W 2002 WCF Game 7 vs Kings: Kobe 30pts(10-26) 10rbs 7ast, Shaq 35pts(12-25) 13rbs 4blk, Kobe was held scoreless in the OT, Shaq led Lakers won 112-106

L 2005 ECF Game 7 vs Pistons: Shaq 27pts(12-19) 9rbs 3blk, Heat lost 82-88, Ben Wallace 8pts 9rbs

Tim Duncan 27.3pts, 13.3rbs, 2W-L

W 2005 Finals Game 7 vs Pistons: Duncan scored 25pts(10-27) 11rbs 2blk, won the FMVP and Spurs won title 81-74, Ben Wallace 12pts(6-10) 11rbs 2blk

L 2006 WCS Game 7 vs Mavericsk: Duncan 41pts(12-24) 15rbs 6ast 3blk, Spurs lost 111-119, Nowitzki 37pts(11-20) 15rbs 3 ast 1blk

W 2008 WCS Game 7 vs Hornets: Duncan 16pts(5-17) 14rbs 4tov, Spurs won 91-82, Chandler 13(6-8) 15rbs

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 21/10/2011, 14:57
by Nas
Bellissimi questi aneddoti e queste statistiche.
Hank :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 31/10/2011, 0:05
by kingpic
Vernon Maxwell riferendosi a Petrovic "Deve ancora nascere un europeo bianco che mi faccia le scarpe…".
fine partita Petrovic 44 "non so perchè, ma sembrava potessi fare qualsiasi cosa contro Maxwell"

to piglia e porta a casa!

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 03/11/2011, 12:46
by Hank Luisetti
Bill Russell Vs Wilt Chamberlain:

Jerimiah Tax recounts there first battle in 1959:

The personal duel in American professional team sports is largely a thing of the past. This is true because athletes have learned that victory most often follows the subordination of individual talent to a cooperative effort. In basketball, a highly fluid game in which players constantly exchange assignments, it is perhaps truest of all. And yet, occasionally, two players appear whose skills are so similar and on whom their teammates count so greatly that a meeting of the teams becomes the occasion for a man-to-man battle.

Two such are the Boston Celtics' Bill Russell and the Philadelphia Warriors' Wilt Chamberlain, whose teams met last Saturday night in the Boston Garden before a tense, chattering crowd in a game that commanded the interest of basketball buffs all over the nation.

Russell is a lithe, graceful athlete who stands a shade under 6 feet 10 inches tall and moves with the ease of a man a foot shorter. He has been a professional for three years now, after leading the University of San Francisco to two national collegiate titles, the U.S. to victory in the Olympic Games in Melbourne and the Celtics to two world championships. On the Celtics, surrounded by many of the finest shooters ( Bill Sharman, Tom Heinsohn, Frank Ramsey) and playmakers ( Bob Cousy, Sam Jones, K.C. Jones) in basketball, he has two chief functions: first, to harass the opposition by blocking their shots and intimidating them by his presence when they think of shooting, and, second, to capture rebounds off the backboards to start Boston's fast-breaking attack. He has filled this difficult role so well since his arrival that Boston has become the best team ever assembled.

Chamberlain, slender of leg and thigh but powerfully muscled in arms and shoulders, is about three inches taller than Russell. After three highly successful years of basketball at Kansas University, he became impatient to capitalize on his deserved reputation and quit school for an extremely lucrative season with the Harlem Globetrotters. This is his first year with the Warriors, where his is an even more demanding assignment than Russell's. Aside from the fine shooting of Paul Arizin and the excellent playmaking of Guy Rodgers, the Warriors cannot support him in the style to which Russell is accustomed. If Philadelphia is to beat the better teams in the pro league, he must do both of Russell's jobs, on defense and rebounding, and also score a great many points himself. In the first few games of the season, against other teams, he did just that, and Philadelphia won. And as the hour approached for the game with Boston there were experts who were certain he would also score enough points against Russell to turn the trick again.

The experts were wrong. What the duel proved, chiefly, is that against Russell, Chamberlain cannot get away with the few simple offensive moves he has found so effective against lesser men. Every time he tried to use his chief weapon, a fall-away jump shot, Russell went up with him; Russell's large hand flicked away at his vision, slapped at the ball, once blocked it outright—a shocking experience for Wilt Chamberlain. All told, in this man-to-man situation Chamberlain hit exactly four baskets; the rest of his 30 points were made on tip-ins and a few dunk shots, in which, free of Russell, he stuffed the ball into the basket from above it. He took 38 shots, twice as many as Russell and more than anyone else on both teams. In the second half, obviously driven to extreme measures by Russell's tenacity, he tried more hook shots than he had in all his previous games—which is just what Russell wanted him to do because the hook is a difficult and unnatural maneuver. Chamberlain scorned it through his college days and has rarely practiced it since, on the theory that he hasn't needed it. Against Russell, clearly, he needs it. But he threw it with his wrist instead of a straight arm, and from a flat-footed stance. Not one went in. On rebounds he was repeatedly kept out of position by Russell and Tom Heinsohn, and only his height and jumping ability won him 28 to Russell's 35.

Nb: Nell'incontro immediatamente successivo però Chamberlain CRUSHED Russell, outscoring him 45-15, and outrebounding him 35-13.

- Wilt Chamberlain records contro i greater in comune con Russell:

Dolph Schayes and the Syracuse Nationals: 2-1
Oscar Robertson\Jerry Lucas and the Royals: 2-0
Bob Pettit and the Hawks: 1-0
Rick Barry and the Warriors: 2-0
Willis Reed and the Knicks: 1-0
Atlanta Hawks: 1-0
Bill Russell & the Celtics: 1-7


Postseason APG: Russell 4.7 Chamberlain 4.4

Postseason RPG: Russell 24.9 Chamberlain 24.5

Win-Loss record in Conference & NBA Finals: Russ 90-53, Wilt 48-44

Win-Loss in Game 7's: Russell 10-0, Wilt 4-5

Win-Loss in Elimination Games: Russell 16-2, Wilt 10-11

Championships: Russell 11, Wilt 2

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 03/11/2011, 12:53
by Hank Luisetti
Bill Russell stats in closeout games of the NBA Finals:

points rebounds assists FG FT

1957 19 32 2 7-17 5-10
1959 15 32 5 5-8 5-10
1960 22 35 4 7-15 8-10
1961 30 38 7 9-17 12-19
1962 30 40 5 10-17 10-15
1963 12 24 9 5-12 2-5
1964 14 24 11 5-6 4-5
1965 22 30 4 6-9 10-12
1966 25 32 1 10-22 5-5
1968 18 19 6 5-7 8-9
1969 6 21 6 2-7 2-4

Averages of 19.6 points 29.7 rebounds 5.7 assists per game and a field goal percentage of 52 and free throw percentage of 68.
NB: nel 1964 contro i Sixers di Wilt sono riportati anche 13 Blocks.. il che signicherebbe quadrupla dooppia nelle NBA Finals!!

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 03/11/2011, 13:54
by Hank Luisetti

1957-58 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating
1. Bob Pettit*-STL 26.3
2. Dolph Schayes*-SYR 24.2
3. George Yardley*-DET 23.3
4. Bill Russell*-BOS 22.8
5. Cliff Hagan*-STL 22.6
6. Neil Johnston*-PHW 22.5
7. Clyde Lovellette*-CIN 22.2
8. Maurice Stokes*-CIN 20.6
9. Larry Foust-MNL 20.0
10. Harry Gallatin*-DET 19.8
11. Frank Ramsey*-BOS 19.5
12. Jack Twyman*-CIN 18.9
13. Vern Mikkelsen*-MNL 18.9
14. Bill Sharman*-BOS 18.8
15. Kenny Sears-NYK 18.5
16. Ed Macauley*-STL 18.4
17. Tom Gola*-PHW 18.3
18. Paul Arizin*-PHW 18.2
19. Bob Cousy*-BOS 17.9
20. Red Kerr-SYR

1958-59 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating
1. Bob Pettit*-STL 28.2
2. Elgin Baylor*-MNL 23.6
3. Cliff Hagan*-STL 22.7
4. Kenny Sears-NYK 22.6
5. Paul Arizin*-PHW 21.9
6. Jack Twyman*-CIN 21.3
7. Dolph Schayes*-SYR 21.0
8. Bill Russell*-BOS 20.7
9. George Yardley*-TOT 20.5
10. Bob Cousy*-BOS 19.9
11. Red Kerr-SYR 19.4
12. Richie Guerin-NYK 19.0
13. Tom Heinsohn*-BOS 17.9
14. Tom Gola*-PHW 17.4
15. Phil Jordon-DET 16.8
16. Bill Sharman*-BOS 16.8
17. Willie Naulls-NYK 16.5
18. Dick McGuire*-DET 16.5
19. Larry Foust-MNL 16.1
20. Vern Mikkelsen*-MNL

1959-60 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-PHW 28.0
2. Elgin Baylor*-MNL 25.2
3. Bob Pettit*-STL 23.7
4. Clyde Lovellette*-STL 23.3
5. Cliff Hagan*-STL 22.0
6. Kenny Sears-NYK 21.8
7. Richie Guerin-NYK 21.4
8. Jack Twyman*-CIN 21.1
9. Dolph Schayes*-SYR 20.5
10. Bill Russell*-BOS 20.1
11. Willie Naulls-NYK 20.0
12. Bob Cousy*-BOS 18.7
13. Bill Sharman*-BOS 18.5
14. Tom Heinsohn*-BOS 18.4
15. George Yardley*-SYR 18.2
16. Bailey Howell*-DET 18.1
17. Paul Arizin*-PHW 17.2
18. Red Kerr-SYR 15.7
19. Larry Costello-SYR 15.6
20. Gene Shue-DET

1960-61 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 28.2
2. Wilt Chamberlain*-PHW 27.8
3. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 25.9
4. Bob Pettit*-STL 25.2
5. Bailey Howell*-DET 21.2
6. Clyde Lovellette*-STL 20.5
7. Cliff Hagan*-STL 20.1
8. Jack Twyman*-CIN 19.6
9. Dolph Schayes*-SYR 19.2
10. Willie Naulls-NYK 19.1
11. Tom Heinsohn*-BOS 18.4
12. Bill Russell*-BOS 18.1
13. Richie Guerin-NYK 17.8
14. Sam Jones*-BOS 17.7
15. Bob Cousy*-BOS 17.4
16. Larry Costello-SYR 17.2
17. Paul Arizin*-PHW 17.1
18. Dick Barnett-SYR 17.1
19. Walter Dukes-DET 16.3
20. Hal Greer*-SYR

1961-62 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-PHW 31.8
2. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 26.5
3. Walt Bellamy*-CHP 26.3
4. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 26.0
5. Bob Pettit*-STL 24.3
6. Jerry West*-LAL 22.6
7. Richie Guerin-NYK 20.9
8. Tom Heinsohn*-BOS 20.0
9. Bill Russell*-BOS 19.4
10. Cliff Hagan*-STL 19.4
11. Bailey Howell*-DET 19.1
12. Bob Cousy*-BOS 18.3
13. Wayne Embry-CIN 17.9
14. Sam Jones*-BOS 17.9
15. Willie Naulls-NYK 17.7
16. Hal Greer*-SYR 17.5
17. Red Kerr-SYR 17.4
18. Jack Twyman*-CIN 16.7
19. Rudy LaRusso-LAL 16.6
20. Dave Gambee-SYR

1962-63 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-SFW 31.8
2. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 26.6
3. Bob Pettit*-STL 25.0
4. Walt Bellamy*-CHZ 24.9
5. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 24.6
6. Jerry West*-LAL 21.9
7. Bailey Howell*-DET 21.6
8. Terry Dischinger-CHZ 20.8
9. Sam Jones*-BOS 19.1
10. Johnny Green-NYK 19.0
11. Richie Guerin-NYK 18.8
12. Tom Heinsohn*-BOS 18.8
13. Red Kerr-SYR 18.6
14. Bill Russell*-BOS 18.2
15. Wayne Embry-CIN 18.2
16. Jack Twyman*-CIN 17.8
17. Hal Greer*-SYR 17.3
18. Bob Cousy*-BOS 16.6
19. Dick Barnett-LAL 16.3
20. John Havlicek*-BOS 15.4
1963-64 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-SFW 31.6
2. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 27.6
3. Jerry West*-LAL 24.2
4. Bob Pettit*-STL 23.6
5. Walt Bellamy*-BAL 23.3
6. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 21.1
7. Bailey Howell*-DET 21.1
8. Terry Dischinger-BAL 19.6
9. Bill Russell*-BOS 19.3
10. Jerry Lucas*-CIN 18.9
11. Johnny Green-NYK 18.1
12. Hal Greer*-PHI 17.7
13. Sam Jones*-BOS 17.7
14. Red Kerr-PHI 17.1
15. Tom Heinsohn*-BOS 17.0
16. Cliff Hagan*-STL 16.9
17. Ray Scott-DET 16.9
18. John Havlicek*-BOS 16.9
19. Len Chappell-TOT 16.7
20. Gus Johnson-BAL 16.3

1964-65 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-TOT 28.6

2. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 26.7
3. Jerry West*-LAL 25.0
4. Walt Bellamy*-BAL 21.7
5. Jerry Lucas*-CIN 20.9
6. Sam Jones*-BOS 20.7
7. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 20.5
8. Bill Russell*-BOS 19.5
9. Bailey Howell*-BAL 18.9
10. Bob Boozer-NYK 17.8
11. Willis Reed*-NYK 17.8
12. Terry Dischinger-DET 17.7
13. Dave DeBusschere*-DET 17.4
14. Zelmo Beaty-STL 17.2
15. Gus Johnson-BAL 16.6
16. Nate Thurmond*-SFW 16.5
17. Hal Greer*-PHI 16.3
18. John Havlicek*-BOS 16.3
19. Rudy LaRusso-LAL 16.2
20. Lenny Wilkens*-STL 15.6

1965-66 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-PHI 28.3
2. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 25.2
3. Jerry West*-LAL 24.6
4. Sam Jones*-BOS 21.7
5. Rick Barry*-SFW 20.0
6. Walt Bellamy*-TOT 19.3
7. Bailey Howell*-BAL 19.0
8. Jerry Lucas*-CIN 18.8
9. Zelmo Beaty-STL 18.5
10. Dick Barnett-NYK 18.4
11. Bill Russell*-BOS 17.3
12. Ray Scott-DET 17.1
13. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 16.9
14. Guy Rodgers-SFW 16.9
15. John Havlicek*-BOS 16.7
16. Rudy LaRusso-LAL 16.4
17. Richie Guerin-STL 16.3
18. Lenny Wilkens*-STL 15.9
19. Hal Greer*-PHI 15.9
20. Billy Cunningham*-PHI 15.7

1966-67 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-PHI 26.5
2. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 25.5
3. Rick Barry*-SFW 24.2
4. Jerry West*-LAL 22.7
5. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 20.2
6. Willis Reed*-NYK 19.7
7. Bailey Howell*-BOS 19.5
8. Billy Cunningham*-PHI 19.3
9. John Havlicek*-BOS 19.2
10. Bill Russell*-BOS 18.6
11. Sam Jones*-BOS 18.5
12. Bob Boozer-CHI 18.4
13. Walt Bellamy*-NYK 18.4
14. Chet Walker-PHI 17.9
15. Guy Rodgers-CHI 17.9
16. Gus Johnson-BAL 17.6
17. Nate Thurmond*-SFW 17.4
18. Jerry Lucas*-CIN 16.9
19. Bill Bridges-STL 16.8
20. Dave Bing*-DET 16.5

1967-68 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Wilt Chamberlain*-PHI 24.7
2. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 24.6
3. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 21.0
4. Jerry Lucas*-CIN 19.8
5. Willis Reed*-NYK 19.5
6. Mahdi Abdul-Rahman-SEA 19.4
7. Zelmo Beaty-STL 19.3
8. Earl Monroe*-BAL 19.3
9. Walt Bellamy*-NYK 19.1
10. Lenny Wilkens*-STL 19.0
11. Nate Thurmond*-SFW 19.0
12. Bob Boozer-CHI 18.6
13. Billy Cunningham*-PHI 18.6
14. Dave Bing*-DET 18.5
15. Sam Jones*-BOS 18.3
16. Bailey Howell*-BOS 18.1
17. John Havlicek*-BOS 17.7
18. Rudy LaRusso-SFW 17.5
19. Bob Rule-SEA 17.4
20. Flynn Robinson-TOT 17.2

1968-69 NBA Expanded Leaders

Player Efficiency Rating

1. Jerry West*-LAL 22.3
2. Wilt Chamberlain*-LAL 21.9

3. Oscar Robertson*-CIN 21.8
4. Willis Reed*-NYK 21.4
5. Elgin Baylor*-LAL 20.7
6. Jerry Lucas*-CIN 20.6
7. Walt Frazier*-NYK 20.2
8. Bob Boozer-CHI 19.9
9. Bailey Howell*-BOS 19.4
10. Zelmo Beaty-ATL 19.1
11. Jeff Mullins-SFW 18.9
12. Elvin Hayes*-SDR 18.9
13. Billy Cunningham*-PHI 18.7
14. Lou Hudson-ATL 18.7
15. Flynn Robinson-TOT 18.6
16. Bob Rule-SEA 18.6
17. Nate Thurmond*-SFW 18.4
18. Earl Monroe*-BAL 18.4
19. Lenny Wilkens*-SEA 18.4
20. Wes Unseld*-BAL 18.

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 04/11/2011, 12:53
by Hank Luisetti
Bill Russell - Wilt Chamberlain:

Vedendo i 4 confronti bei game 7 fra Wilt e Bill:

Wilt - 21 ppg and 28,75 rpg
Russell -13 ppg and 24,5 rpg

Gli altri Game 7 rispettivi:

Wilt 27,2 ppg and 24,8 rpg - 4 wins 1 loss
Russell 22,3 ppg and 32,5 rpg - 6 wins

Altro: Wilt Chamberlain

.. visto che poi prima le serie non erano tutte al meglio delle 7....

- 1960 Game 3 vs. Nationals (al meglio delle 3): 53 points. W

- 1962 Game 5 vs. Nationals:(al meglio delle 5) 56 points, 35 rebounds. W

Ai PO nel 67 fu disumano..alcuni Game:

1967 Game 2 vs. Royals: 37 points, 27 rebounds, 11 assists in a 21 point win.

1967 Game 3 vs. Royals: 16 points, 30 rebounds, 19 assists in a 15 point win.

1967 Game 1 vs. Celtics: 24 points, 32 rebounds, 13 assists, 12 blocks in a 15 point win.

1967 Game 3 vs. Celtics: 20 points, 41 rebounds, 9 assists in an 11 point win.

1967 Game 5 vs. Celtics: 29 points, 36 rebounds, 13 assists in a 24 point win.


- 1968 Game 6 vs. Knicks: 25 points, 27 rebounds. Game che chiuse la serie. Wilt condusse tutte e due le squadre in pt,rb,e as per tutta la serie.

Ps: posto quì un paio di quotes interessanti:

'"How many layups do you think there were in the last Laker game? Forty-eight. People will tell you guys shoot better now. No doubt they shoot a little better, but not like you'd think from looking at the percentages. Mike Cooper is shooting 59 percent. You want to bet some money he'd outshoot Jerry West? I'll bet my house against him (Cooper) on Dolph Schayes. I'll take Larry Costello and give you any Laker with the exception of Wilkes.

Players just get to the basket (layups) more. It ups their percentage. There's no defense inside. When I played, if the other team ran a fast break two or three times, the coach would assign a forward to break back on defense as soon as the ball went up. I never see a coach doing that now. There were no uncontested layups.

My last two or three years I shot 69 to 73 percent. You think I was a better shooter? No, the defenses got worse and I was able to dunk every damn ball I wanted to. It was easier to get there. When I played against guys like Johnny Kerr . . . He was 6-10 and couldn't jump, but I'll tell you, you didn't get to the basket on him."'


"It's a run up and down the court and dunk the ball game now. These are speed merchants and jumping fools. That's why their shooting percentages are going way up. I led the league 11 times in field goal percentage and my lifetime average was 54%. There are now five billion guys shooting over 54%. Can you imagine playing when your hands are so cold and the ball is as hard as a brick? I can remember going to Detroit and playing the old Detroit Arena and there's about 3000 people in this big old huge thing. Every time they opened the door, the wind blows through. I can vividly remember Paul Arizin blowing into his hands and the smoke was blowing out of his nose. Guys were shooting 37%, and these were great shooters. People look at that any say, 'Is that a basketball player or was he on a blind team?' They don't know how to put that into perspective."


Wilt Chamberlain.

..Diversi anni dopo il suo ritiro, accarezzò l'idea di tornare a giocare.
Andò a trovare Holzman nei suoi uffici, poi uscì che aveva cambiato idea. Chamberlain era molto volubile. Niente ritorno.
Davanti all'ascensore trovò due ragazzi alle prese con un carrello colmo di scatole di materiale per ufficio, per lo più carta intestata e buste. L'ascensore, a causa del carico molto pesante, si era bloccato quattro pollici sotto il livello del pavimento e i due ragazzi non riscivano a sollevarlo per fargli fare il gradino. Dopo un po' di tentativi chiesero a Chamberlain, fermo lì davanti, una mano. Wilt sorrise e disse che sarebbe stato meglio se avesse fatto da solo. Afferrò ciascuna estremità della corda appesa sotto il carrello e senza fatica lo sollevò, lo tirò fuori dall'ascensore e lo posò sul pavimento.
Wilt entrò in ascensore e se ne andò, ad assistere alla scena c'erano alcuni giornalisti dei Knicks che chiesero ai due ragazzi quanto pesasse quel carrello. La risposta fu: "Più di 600 libbre!". Stiamo parlando di quasi 300 Chili.
Fonte: The Good Natured Giant Wasn't Belligerent.

E a proposito di Wilt e Walt.
Nel 1961, Bellamy era rookie, segnava 30 punti a partita. La prima votla che incontro chamberlain, i due si strinsero la mano.
Bellamy disse: "Salve Mr Chamberlain, sono Walter Bellamy e sono veramente orgoglioso di giocare contro di lei".
Chamberlain rispose: "Ciao Walter, mi duole dirti che nel primo tempo non realizzerai neanche un punto oggi".
Chamberlain stoppò i primi 9 tiri di Bellamy, poi gli disse: "Vabbè Walter, ora basta, puoi iniziare a giocare!".

Una volta durante una schiacciata si trovò Walt Bellamy che era salito in cielo per stopparlo (stiamo parlando di uno alto 2 metri e 11 e bello pesante). Fu una delle poche volte che Wilt non si trattenne. Lo travolse, Bellamy volò fuori dal campo. Chamberlain andò da lui per scusarsi e gli disse "Sorry, non so cosa mi abbia preso!". Non aveva fatto nulla di male, aveva semplicemente schiacciato su un avversario senza autoimporsi un freno.

Elvin Hayes, uno non proprio piccolino nè dal carattere facile, disse di lui: "Tutti eravamo spaventati all'idea di ptoerlo fare arrabbiare. When I played him, I kept this foremost in my mind: Above all, don't make him mad. Don't embarrass him. You wanted to keep him quiet as long as possible".

Re: NBA Quotes & Anecdotes

Posted: 07/11/2011, 17:03
by Hank Luisetti
Bill Russell - Wilt Chamberlain H2H: AS Team


Boston: Cousy, Sharman, Russell

PW: Arzin, Chamberlain, Gola


Boston: Russell, Cousy, Heinsohn

PW: Arzin, Chamberlain, Gola


Boston: Russell, Cousy, Heinsohn, Jones S.

PW: Arzin, Chamberlain, Gola


Boston: Cousy, Heinsohn, Russell

SFW: Chamberlain, Rodgers, Meschery


Boston: Russell, Jones S. , Heinsohn

SFW: Chamberlain, Rodgers


Boston: Heinsohn, Chamberlain, Jones S.

SW: Chamberlain, Thurmond


Boston: Russell, Havlicek, Jones S.

P76ers: Chamberlain, Greer, Walker


Boston: Russell, Havlicek, Howell

P76ers: Chamberlain, Greer, Walker


Boston: Russell, Havlicek, Jones S.

P76ers: Chamberlain, Greer


Boston: Russell, Havlicek

LAL: Chamberlain, West, Baylor