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Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 06/01/2013, 13:23
by Vitor #41
ennesimo OT perso, per di più in casa, contro una squadra da lottery. Bon dai, non arriveremo ai playoff a sto giro, conviene rassegnarci :sad:

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 06/01/2013, 23:21
by Tommy
Non ci siamo, nulla da dire. Ero convinto che dopo la sconfitta con Miami ci poteva essere la svolta invece nulla. Vabbè, forse ha ragione Vitor, conviene rassegnarci.

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 07/01/2013, 15:59
by Vitor #41
Parole di Dirk un po' pesanti... importante l'ultima frase.

DALLAS -- With the Dallas Mavericks' 12-season playoff streak in serious jeopardy, star forward Dirk Nowitzki expressed strong doubt about the front office's plan for the franchise's future, even wondering whether it'd be in the Mavs' best interests to trade him.

Nowitzki, who was admittedly disappointed and frustrated after the Mavs dropped to eight games below .500 with their eighth loss in nine games Saturday night, told that owner Mark Cuban's post-lockout decision to let Tyson Chandler and other key members of the 2011 title team leave could be judged as "a mistake or not" after seeing whether the Mavs are able to make any major personnel moves this summer.

The plan was to acquire a legitimate superstar in his prime -- or possibly even two -- to lighten the 34-year-old Nowitzki's load in the latter stage of his surefire Hall of Fame career. But Chris Paul and Dwight Howard did not hit the free agency market last summer as anticipated when Dallas decided to create significant salary cap space for the first time in Cuban's 13-year ownership tenure -- they both can be free agents this summer -- and the Mavs' recruiting efforts failed to land Deron Williams.

"It's going to be tough now," Nowitzki said after the Mavs' home overtime loss to the Western Conference cellar-dwelling New Orleans Hornets. "I always liked to think you don't want to build your franchise on hope.

"We hoped for Deron last year. We hoped for Dwight. Why would he leave the Lakers? To me, it makes no sense. He's in a great situation. Why would CP3 leave? (The Los Angeles Clippers are) the best team in the league probably right now. They're probably the deepest team. So are you going to hope that we get something?

"Maybe Cuban has something up his sleeve. Maybe you have to take a chance on a bad contract to get him in here and make something happen. I mean, I don't know. That's something we'll have to see this summer. We're going to play out this season. I'm going to get better and better, hopefully from game to game, so I can actually close out some of these games. And then we'll see what happens."

At 13-21, the Mavs entered Sunday 5½ games out of the West's eighth seed, and there are only two teams in the conference with worse records. It's an unfamiliar feeling for a franchise that had its streak of 11 50-win seasons end during last season's lockout-compressed campaign, when the stripped-down Mavs' title defense ended with a first-round sweep at the hands of the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Now Nowitzki, who notes that the Mavs' playoff hopes wouldn't be nearly so bleak had he not missed the first 27 games of the season after undergoing arthroscopic surgery on his right knee, is the centerpiece of a struggling team with chemistry concerns, surrounded by newcomers whose contracts expire at the end of the season.

That's the risk the Mavs took when they opted to make financial flexibility a priority in an attempt to hit a home run in free agency.

"We knew that coming in, that eight or nine new guys on one-year deals is not really an ideal situation, but what else is there to do?" Nowitzki said. "So either you break the whole thing up and trade me or you get a bunch of one-year deals and try to be a player next summer. That's the decision we made, so now we've got to fight through it."

That was the second time in a week that Nowitzki, who has a no-trade clause in his four-year, $80 million contract that expires after the 2013-14 season, mentioned the possibility of trading him.

However, Nowitzki said he has not seriously considered playing for another franchise. The 15-year veteran and 11-time All-Star has consistently said he wants to play his entire career for the Mavs.

"The only reason I would leave -- or would have left -- is if we wouldn't have won the championship and I would have been like a Karl Malone and (Gary) Payton going to join Kobe and Shaq in L.A. like they did at the end," Nowitzki said. "But now I've got a ring and obviously want to finish my career here. But I also want to be competitive."

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 08/01/2013, 1:32
by Giangi ... -mavs.html

Dubito che l'arrivo di Mike James farà contento Dirk

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 08/01/2013, 21:34
by talo82
Rumors di gay a Phoenix. Noi proprio no eh?Io in nba 2k13 l'ho preso subito..sarà impossibile ma sarebbe finalmente una gran mossa!

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 11/01/2013, 1:04
by Maverick
talo82 wrote:Rumors di gay a Phoenix. Noi proprio no eh?Io in nba 2k13 l'ho preso subito..sarà impossibile ma sarebbe finalmente una gran mossa!
:lmao: Scrivi come si deve i nomi propri, Gay!
Rumors di gay a Phoenix..sto ridendo ancora :stralol:
Immagino il cartello all'entrata "città libera dai gay dall'anno XYZ"

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 11/01/2013, 10:38
by Vitor #41
Abbiamo vinto una gara al supplementareeeee :forza: :forza: :forza: :forza: :forza:

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 11/01/2013, 10:48
by talo82
in effetti ora che me l'hai fatto notare fa ridere :applauso: ..
cmq scherzi a parte non capisco davvero perchè non interessarsene, anche perchè aspettare quest'estate per un bel FA e poi venire snobbati come l'anno scorso non sarebbe bello, ed ad oggi cp3 nn lascia lac.
Forse DH12 visto che stanno andando "bene" come noi ma con lui nn si sa mai..
Tornando al campo finalmente si è vinto il primo ot della stagione :forza: ,con mayo e carter in grande serata e dirk ai primi 40min dell'anno :applauso: :notworthy: :thumbup: , male kaman che a metà partita avrebbe potuto andare a farsi la doccia, bene jim carrey che capendo la serata la panchinato per 3 e 4 quarto e ot..speriamo di infilare qualche vittoria anche se i po sono sempre un lontano miraggio..
a proposito, è ancora prestissimo ma se si dovesse andare alla lottery si sa già che scelta potremmo avere? sarebbe possibile prendere un giocatore da lanciare in quintetto?

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 11/01/2013, 11:24
by Vitor #41
non sto seguendo molto il college, credo sia un po' presto per dirlo e a quanto ho capito è un draft un po' "debole".
secondo me butteremmo comunque la scelta con l'ennesima combo-guard :thumbup:

scherzi a parte, non mi stupirei se a questo punto cedessimo questa pick da lottery insieme a contratti in scadenza per arrivare a qualche big (ma non troppo big) :penso:

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 13/01/2013, 11:34
by dNow

Una rondine??

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 13/01/2013, 12:20
by talo82
finalmente una bella vittoria :forza: :forza: :forza: :forza: :forza: :forza: !!!!!!

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 13/01/2013, 16:18
by Vitor #41
Essì, finalmente una vittoria di peso, contro una delle migliori squadre della lega :forza:
Loro erano in B2B, però i nostri hanno giocato molto bene: pochissime palle perse (9, mettendo fine alla striscia dei Grizzlies di gare con più di 10 palle perse forzate, era la più lunga della NBA, mi pare fossero 138), ottime percentuali da 3.
Bene così dai, playoff lontanissimi (dovremmo vincere tipo il 70% fino alla fine del campionato), però non sbrachiamo.

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 15/01/2013, 11:04
by Vitor #41
Stiamo sfruttando bene questo mini-ciclo casalingo, terza vittoria di fila. Battere i Rockets nella prossima potrebbe essere una grande iniezione di fiducia (anche perché poi ci toccano i Thunder) :thumbup:
Intanto siamo scesi al 27simo posto nella lega per punti concessi, Tyson Chandler dove sei :biggrin:

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 17/01/2013, 12:30
by Vitor #41
Four in a row :forza:
bella prova contro i Rockets, Dirk ne mette 10 dei suoi 19 nel quarto quarto, Brand fondamentale con una stoppata su Harden... buoni segnali, l'ottavo posto è lontanissimo ma almeno facciamo vedere che questa stagione ha ancora un senso.
Tra l'altro Cuban ha detto che sono molto attivi sul mercato e che quasi sicuramente ci sarà qualche trade da qui alla deadline (abbiamo millemila contratti in scadenza da offrire). Intanto dovrebbero dare un altro decadale a Mike James, che stanotte ha tirato di merda ma che comunque sta rendendo discretamente (e ha avuto un plus/minus tipo di +17).

Re: Dallas Mavericks: We All Nowitzness

Posted: 17/01/2013, 15:00
by Steve Nash
La difesa di Jones su Harden di stanotte :notworthy: