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Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 15/10/2008, 23:25
by bure
Diavolo_NJ wrote: E' talmente esaltato che scrive e parla in inglese; si crede il vero manager di una squadra inesistente........già lo vedo che presenta le dimissioni da lavoro per andare a fare il GM.............con grassa risata da parte del capo che le leggerà :paper:
stai parlando con Pavel Bure ragazzo, abbassa i toni  :figo:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 15/10/2008, 23:26
by bure
Robin wrote: se ha un occhio nero non è un guerriero..è un pirla.. :fischia:
gioca sul dolore  :gazza:
e si mette la visiera!  :gogogo:

P.S. e ammettetelo che è stupenda quella foto.  :truzzo:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 16/10/2008, 10:28
by Vicram
Robin wrote: se ha un occhio nero non è un guerriero..è un pirla.. :fischia:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 17/10/2008, 22:59
by bure
[align=center]WELCOME MIROSLAV !![/align]


Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 18/10/2008, 14:15
by Mazziero
Vi serviva per caso uno che vi permettesse di raggiungere l'età media minima?

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 19/10/2008, 12:08
by bure
Mazziero wrote: Vi serviva per caso uno che vi permettesse di raggiungere l'età media minima?
è arrivato un 34 enne (ancora 33 in realtà  :gazza: ) e son partiti due di 36 e 34 anni.. vedi tu  :D

btw.. Satan si presenta con un game winner!  :metal:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 19/10/2008, 15:21
by Mazziero
Lo facevo più vecchio, me lo ricordavo su NHL99 a Buffalo.

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 20/10/2008, 21:59
by bure ... dlines_nhl
"Buffalo Sabres left-winger Thomas Vanek was named NHL first star of the week Monday.

He picked up eight points (six goals, two assists) in four games last week, helping Buffalo to a 3-0-1 record over the stretch."



Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 22/10/2008, 20:58
by bure
historic date:
on Sunday night, October 19th 2008,
the city of New York can celebrate as the Batteries record the first win in their young history!


".. You know.. it was an important game for us.. in the first one against the Pens we led all the way through but we ended up losing by a harsh score..  with the two top defenseman injured, the lack of experience showed up..
..i'ts been a tough start, with all the injuries (n.d.r. Gonchar, Bieksa, Connolly, Alfredsson.. ) and such (Forsberg and Ryan still missing ).. we traded two good LWs and the next day one of our top LWs (Rolston) goes down to a serious injury, the next days two more LWs (Demitra and Michalek) follows.. i mean, i'ts unbelievable.. basically all our top veteran players has been hurt already..

so, to be able to survive a close contest against a good team like Boston was great to bring the enthusiasm a young crop like this needs..  you don't want to start losing 2 close games in a row, especially when they are intraconference games.. i mean, that would put you in trouble in the standings and under pressure already.. these youngsters need fresh air.. "

..e sul match-up di questa settimana:

"..yeah, the Bullies will try to bring their dirty game in our head this week.. we'll just have to stay focused and play our game.. "

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 26/10/2008, 23:37
by The Anzer
Questa me l'ero persa... :lmao:
bure wrote: "..the black eye? cause Teemu is not only a finesse player and a superstar, he is a warrior too."  :truzzo:
Si si, famoso per essere un guerriero... :stralol:

Robin wrote: se ha un occhio nero non è un guerriero..è un pirla.. :fischia:
Ben detto Rob, ma non è semplicemente un pirla.
E' pure un culattone, e come tutti ben sanno, è sposato con Paulina Karyia.  :01:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 26/10/2008, 23:51
by The Anzer
bure wrote:"..i'ts been a tough start, with all the injuries (n.d.r. Gonchar, Bieksa, Connolly, Alfredsson.. ) and such (Forsberg and Ryan still missing ).. we traded two good LWs and the next day one of our top LWs (Rolston) goes down to a serious injury, the next days two more LWs (Demitra and Michalek) follows.. i mean, i'ts unbelievable.. basically all our top veteran players has been hurt already.."
You're complaining...I mean...You know...You know, time to stop whining already.
I mean, You know.

bure wrote:..e sul match-up di questa settimana:

"..yeah, the Bullies will try to bring their dirty game in our head this week.. we'll just have to stay focused and play our game.. "
Mission accomplished!  :chuck1wo3wo:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 27/10/2008, 10:54
by MattBellamy
The Anzer wrote: Mission accomplished!  :chuck1wo3wo:
Beh non del tutto, almeno i PIM li abbiamo vinti :lol2: La squadra ha carattere, quando perde mena :lol2:

A parte gli scherzi, settimana drammatica. Non è bello piangere ma è stata proprio una sett sfigata, ci hanno giocato proprio in pochi. E ci hanno giocato bene queli che sono nel farm perchè semrava fossero morti, Alfie e Wellwood :lol2: Da oggi almeno possiamo riportare a roster il capitano :papa:
In più Phila ha fatto una bella settimana, sconfitta obbligata.
Forza ora, rialzarsi subito :metal:

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 27/10/2008, 11:31
by bure
note: GM P.Bure was not available to comment the week.

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 27/10/2008, 12:06
by therussianrocket
bure wrote: note: GM P.Bure was not available to comment the week.

Re: This is New York baby..

Posted: 27/10/2008, 13:44
by The Anzer
bure wrote: note: GM P.Bure was not available to comment the week.